
Recall PC129 - Cat Converter Inspection/ECM Reprogramming

2010 Nissan-Datsun Altima L4-2.5L (QR25DE) Technical Service Bulletin # 12-040D Date: 120719

Recall PC129 - Cat Converter Inspection/ECM Reprogramming




July 19, 2012




The PARTS INFORMATION in this bulletin has been amended to include two additional foot notes for the part quantity tables. No other changes

have been made to the body of this bulletin.

Please discard previous versions of this bulletin.


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2010 Altima Sedan and Coupe (C/L32)

with SULEV (California Specification) 2.5 engine

Check Service COMM to confirm campaign eligibility.


Nissan has determined that some 2010 model year Altima vehicles are equipped with an improperly calibrated Engine Control Module (ECM) that

may incorrectly detect engine valve closure as engine knock. To correct this condition, Nissan is conducting this Voluntary Emissions Recall

Campaign to reprogram the Engine Control Module, and inspect (and if needed replace) the exhaust manifold and front exhaust tube. This service

will be performed at no charge for parts or labor.


Nissan has assigned identification number PC129 to this campaign. This number must appear on all communications and documentation of any

nature dealing with this campaign.


It is the dealers responsibility to check Service Comm for the campaign status on each vehicle falling within the range of this voluntary emissions

recall which for any reason enters the service department. This includes vehicles purchased from private parties or presented by transient (tourist)

owners and vehicles in a dealers inventory.


Attention California Dealers: California law prohibits owners from renewing their California registration if emissions related recall work has not

been performed. California dealers are now required to issue a proof of correction certificate to vehicle owners upon completion of emission related

recall work. Please fill out one of the campaign completion forms for each owner that has this campaign performed. Instruct owners to keep this

certificate unless they are requested to mail it to the DMV. A sample of the form is shown below.


These forms are available from Nissan Publications at no charge (item number CAEMRC-2/09).

Table of Contents

Repair Overview


Exhaust Manifold and Front Tube Leak Check

Exhaust Manifold Stay Removal

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Front Exhaust Tube Replacement

Exhaust Manifold Replacement

ECM Reprogram





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After leak check and any needed part replacements, make sure to perform ECM reprogram.

Exhaust Manifold and Front Tube Leak Check

1. Position the vehicle on a hoist ready to be lifted.

2. Turn the ignition OFF

3. Raise the vehicle on the hoist.

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4. WARNING: Wait for the exhaust system to cool before touching exhaust system components. Hot exhaust components can cause severe burns.

5. Remove the cross brace shown in

Figure P2.

^ Cross brace is held on with 4 bolts, 2 on each side.

6. Unbolt the front exhaust tube hanger.

^ Hanger is held on with 2 bolts.

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7. Unbolt the front exhaust tube from the center exhaust tube at the flange.

8. Attach an elastic strap (or other Front exhaust suitable support) under the rear of the tube front exhaust tube (see Figure P5).


The elastic strap should support the front exhaust tube when it is

disconnected from the center exhaust tube.


Make sure exhaust tube has cooled enough not to burn the elastic strap or other support.

9. Disconnect the front exhaust tube from the center exhaust tube.



Make sure the rear oxygen sensor harness is not stretched.

10. Let the elastic strap (or other suitable support) support the front exhaust tube.


Make sure exhaust tube has cooled enough not to burn the tube elastic strap or other support.

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11. Attach special tool J-50976 to the rear of the front exhaust tube as shown in Figure P7.


Make sure exhaust tube had cooled enough not to burn the rubber seal on the tool.

12. Connect a shop air hose to special tool J-50976.

13. Set the valve on special tool J-50976 to the open position (see Figure P9b).

14. Attach a 19 mm socket with handle to the front pulley (see Figure P9a).

15. Position the engine crankshaft at the point of the highest pressure on the gauge as follows:


Make sure the ignition is OFF or the engine may turn on its own.

a. Watch the pressure gauge while slowly turning the engine (see Figures P9a and P9b).

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^ Turn the engine clockwise (as you face the front of the engine).

b. When the pressure gauge is reading at the highest point (most PSI) stop turning the engine.

^ Highest pressure will be between 5 and 6 PSI.

16. Check for leaks as follows:

a. Turn the valve to the closed position.

b. The pressure will start to drop.

c. When pressure drops to 5 PSI, begin a 20 second count.

d. At the end of the 20 second count, read the pressure.

Go to OK/NG information

OK: Pressure is 2 psi or above; there is no leak in the front tube or manifold.

> If vehicle has more than 50,000 miles, go to Exhaust Manifold Replacement

> If vehicle has less than 50,000 miles:

^ Remove the exhaust manifold stay - see page 10.

^ Reinstall the front exhaust tube.

Use a new gasket between the front tube and the center tube.

Nuts for the front exhaust tube to center tube; torque to 14 N-m (1.4 kg-m, 10 ft-lb).

Bolts for front exhaust tube hanger; torque to 14 N-m (1.4 kg-m, 10 ft-lb).

Bolts for cross brace; torque to 21-29 N-m (2.1-2.9 kg-m, 15-21 ft-lb).

NG: Pressure is below 2 psi; there is a leak in the front tube, manifold, or gasket.

A. By feel and sound, locate the leak.


^ If needed, eliminate any air hiss noise from the air supply hose or the tool regulator by disconnecting the air hose from special tool J-50976.

^ If needed, use soap and water to confirm leak location.

B. Replace only the leaking part (gasket, front exhaust tube, and/or exhaust manifold).


For all vehicles with more than 50,000 miles, replace the exhaust manifold even if it does not have a leak.

^ Replacement of the exhaust manifold includes removal of the exhaust manifold stay.

> For a leak at the gasket between the exhaust manifold and front tube; refer to (Front Exhaust Tube Replacement) and replace only the gasket

> For a leak at the gasket between the exhaust manifold and engine head; refer to (Exhaust Manifold Replacement) and replace only the gasket

> For a leak in the front tube; refer to (Front Exhaust Tube


> For a leak in the exhaust manifold; refer to (Exhaust Manifold


Exhaust Manifold Stay Removal


Remove the exhaust manifold stay from all vehicles affected by this campaign.

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1. Remove the exhaust manifold stay and the related attachment parts (see Figures Si and S2).

^ These parts will not be reused; do not reinstall.

Front Exhaust Tube Replacement


Replace the front exhaust tube only if a leak is found in the tube during the leak check.

1. Raise the vehicle on the hoist.

2. WARNING: Wait for the exhaust system to cool before touching exhaust system components. Hot exhaust components can cause severe burns.

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3. Remove the cross brace shown in Figure T2.

^ Cross brace is held on with 4 bolts 2 on each side.

4. Remove the front exhaust tube as follows (refer to Figure T3):

a. Disconnect both heated oxygen sensors.

b. Unbolt the front exhaust tube hanger.

^ Hanger is held on with 2 bolts.

c. Unbolt the front exhaust tube from the center exhaust tube.

^ Tube flange is held together with 2 studs and 2 nuts.

d. Unbolt the front exhaust tube from the exhaust manifold.

^ Tube to manifold held together with 3 studs and 3 nuts.

e. Remove the front tube from the vehicle.

5. Swap the heated oxygen sensors (2 and 3) from the old tube to the new tube.

^ If the sensors are seized in the exhaust tube, refer to NTB1O-099 for sensor removal.

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^ Refer to Figure T3 for torque specifications.

6. Install front exhaust tube in reverse order.

^ Use a new ring gasket.

^ Use a new flange gasket.

^ Use new nuts for tube to manifold connection.

^ Refer to Figure 13 for torque specifications.

^ Bolts for cross brace; torque to 21-29 N.m (2.1-2.9 kg-m, 15-21 ft-lb).

Exhaust Manifold Replacement


^ For all vehicles with more than 50,000 miles, replace the exhaust manifold. (Replacement of the exhaust manifold includes removal of the

exhaust manifold stay.)

^ For vehicles with less than 50,000 miles; only replace the exhaust manifold if a leak in the exhaust manifold is found during the leak check.

1. Write down the radio station presets.

2. If equipped, write down the customer settings for the ATC (Automatic Temperature Control) system. (Refer to the Service Manual as needed).

3. Disconnect the negative battery cable.

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4. Raise the vehicle on a hoist.

5. WARNING: Wait for the exhaust system to cool before touching exhaust system components. Hot exhaust components can cause severe burns.

6. Remove the front exhaust tube.

Refer to Front Exhaust Tube Replacement.

7. Remove the engine under cover.

8. Remove the right (passenger side) front wheel.

9. Remove the fender protector side cover from the right side (passenger side) wheel housing.

^ Side cover is held on with 5 clips.

10. Remove the drive belt as follows:


^ Do not loosen (do not turn counterclockwise) the auto-tensioner pulley bolt. If turned counterclockwise, the complete auto-tensioner

must be replaced as a unit, including the pulley (which is not covered in this campaign).

^ Avoid placing a hand in a location where pinching may occur if the wrench accidentally comes off.

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a. Use a 14 mm off-set box wrench on the auto-tensioner pulley bolt.

b. Pull / push on the wrench as if turning the bolt in a clockwise direction.

c. While holding / pulling the wrench, insert a rod (approximately 6 mm / 0.24 inch diameter and at least 25 mm / 1 inch long) through

the tensioner retaining boss.


For illustration, a 6 mm Allen driver was used to hold the tensioner / retaining boss.

d. Carefully allow the tensioner to move to a relaxed position (carefully release your pulling force on the wrench).

e. Remove the drive belt.

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11. Remove the alternator as follows (refer to Figure M7):

a. Disconnect B-terminal nut and remove B-terminal wire.

b. Remove alternator harness ground bolt.

C. Disconnect electrical harness from the alternator.

d. Remove 2 bolts holding the alternator to alternator bracket and engine.

e. Remove the alternator from the vehicle upward (from the top of the engine).

f. Remove 2 bolts holding the alternator bracket to the engine.

g. Remove the alternator bracket from the vehicle.

12. Remove the exhaust manifold as follows (refer to Figure M8).

a. Disconnect the Air Fuel (A/F) sensor harness and remove the A/F sensor from the exhaust manifold.

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^ If the sensor is seized in the manifold, refer to NTB10-099 for sensor removal.


Do not drop the A/F sensor.

b. Remove the lower exhaust manifold cover.

c. Remove the upper exhaust manifold cover.

d. Remove the exhaust manifold stay and discard.

^ Manifold stay is held on with a bolt to the engine and nut to the manifold.

^ The stay will not be reinstalled - discard the exhaust manifold stay.

e. Remove the exhaust manifold nuts in the order shown.

f. Remove the exhaust manifold from the vehicle.

13. Remove the exhaust manifold gasket.

14. Clean any exhaust manifold gasket residue form the engine head.

15. Install a new exhaust manifold gasket.


The exhaust manifold and gasket must be used as a matched set. Refer to the Parts Information for part number details.

16. Swap the 3 studs for the front tube connection from the old exhaust manifold to the new exhaust manifold.

17. Install the new exhaust manifold.

^ Use new nuts.

^ Torque the nuts in the order shown.

^ Torque nuts in two stages:

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1st stage - 20.0 N~m (2.0 kg-m, 15 ft-lb)

2nd stage -41.7 N~m (4.3 kg-m, 31 ft-lb)

18. Reinstall all other parts in reverse order.

^ Refer to Figures M8 - page 17, M7 - page 16, and T3 - page 12 for torque specifications.

^ Use new bolts for Heat shield attachment. Use new nuts for front tube attachment.

19. Reconnect the negative battery cable.

20. Set the clock and the radio station presets.

21. If equipped; reset customer's settings for the ATC (Automatic Temperature Control) system. (Refer to the Service Manual as needed.)

22. Initialize auto-up power windows as follows:

a. Turn the ignition ON (keep the transmission in Park and the parking brake applied).

b. Close the door.

c. Operate the power window switch to fully open the window.

d. Pull UP and continue to pull UP on the power window switch to fully close the window.

e. Continue pulling the power window switch UP for 4 seconds after glass stops at fully closed position.

f. Check that auto-up function operates normally.

ECM Reprogram


^ Most instructions for reprogramming with CONSULT-III plus (C-Ill plus) are displayed on the CONSULT PC screen.

^ If you are not familiar with the reprogramming procedure, click here. This will link you to the "CONSULT- III plus (C-III plus)

Reprogramming" general procedure.

^ Take the vehicle for a 10 minute drive in order to meet the following Idle Air Volume Learn (IAVL) conditions:

^ Engine coolant temperature: 70 -100锟斤拷C (158 -212锟斤拷F)

^ Battery voltage: More than 12.9V (At idle)

^ Transmission: Warmed up

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^ After reprogramming is complete, you will be required to perform Throttle Valve Closed Position, Idle Air Volume Learn, Accelerator

Closed Position, and DTC erase.

1. Connect the CONSULT PC to the vehicle to begin the reprogramming procedure.

2. Open ASIST on the CONSULT PC and start C-III plus.

3. Wait for the plus VI to be recognized / connected.

^ Serial number will display when the plus VI is recognized / connected.

4. Select Re/programming, Configuration.

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5. Follow the on-screen instructions and navigate the C-III plus to the screen shown in Figure 2.

6. When you get to the screen shown in Figure 2, confirm this bulletin applies as follows

A. Find the ECM Part Number and write it on the repair order.


This is the current ECM Part Number (P/N).

B. Compare the P/N you wrote down to the numbers in the Current ECM Part Number column in Table A.

^ If there is a match, continue with the reprogramming procedure.

^ If there is not a match, reprogramming is not needed. Close C-III plus and disconnect from the vehicle.

7. Follow the on-screen instructions to navigate C-III plus and reprogram the ECM.


^ In some cases, more than one new P/N for reprogramming is available.

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> In this case, the screen in Figure 3 displays.

> Select and use the reprogramming option that does not have the message "Caution! Use ONLY with NTBXX-XXX".

^ If you get this screen and it is blank (no reprogramming listed), it means there is no reprogramming available for this vehicle. Close C-III

plus and disconnect from the vehicle.

8. When the screen in Figure 4 displays, reprogramming is complete.


If the screen in Figure 4 does not display (reprogramming does not complete), refer to the information below.

9. Disconnect the battery charger from the vehicle.

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10. Select Next.


^ In the next steps, you will perform Throttle Valve Closed Position, Idle Air Volume Learn, Accelerator Closed Position, and DTC erase.

^ These operations are required before C-III plus will provide the final reprogramming confirmation report.

If reprogramming does not complete and the"!?" symbol displays as shown in Figure 5:

^ Check battery voltage (12.0 - 15.5V).

^ Ignition is ON, Ready Mode is OFF.

^ External Bluetooth(R) devices are OFF.

^ All electrical loads are OFF.

^ Select Retry and follow the on screen instructions.


Retry may not go through on first attempt and can be selected more than once.

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If reprogramming does not complete and the "X" symbol displays as shown in Figure 6:

^ Check battery voltage (12.0 - 15.5V).

^ CONSULT A/C adapter is plugged in.

^ Ignition is ON, Ready Mode is OFF.

^ Transmission in Park.

^ All C-III plus / plus VI cables are securely connected.

^ All C-III plus updates are installed.

^ Select Home, and then restart the reprogram procedure from the beginning.

11. Follow the on-screen instructions to perform the following:

^ Throttle Valve Closed Position

^ Idle Air Volume Learn (IAVL)


^ Listed below are the conditions required for IAVL to complete.

^ If IAVL does not complete within a few minutes, a condition may be out of range.

> Engine coolant temperature: 70 - 100锟斤拷 C (158 - 212锟斤拷F)

> Battery voltage: More than 12.9V (At idle)

> Selector lever: P or N

> Electric load switch: OFF (Air conditioner, headlamp, rear window defogger)

> Steering wheel: Neutral (Straight-ahead position)

> Vehicle speed: Stopped

> Transmission: Warmed up (for CVI - ATF TEMP SEN less than 0.9V)

^ Accelerator Pedal Close Position Learning

^ Erase DTCs

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12. When the entire reprogramming process is complete, the screen in Figure 7 will display.

13. Verify the before and after part numbers are different.

14. Print a copy of this screen (Figure 7) and attach it to the repair order for warranty documentation.

15. Select Confirm.

16. Close C-III plus.

17. Turn the ignition OFF.

18. Disconnect the plus VI from the vehicle.

19. Test drive the vehicle and make sure it operates correctly and the MIL is OFF.

^ If the MIL comes ON, go to ASIST for further diagnostic information.

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