2010 Porsche Panamera Turbo (970) V8-4.8L Turbo A L L Diagnostic Trouble Codes ( DTC ): P Code Charts Page 251
- Ignition on > 10 Second(s)
- then : Acceleration with wide-open throttle for as long as possible, immediately followed by an overrun phase lasting as long as possible
- none of the following faults stored: P1638, P1639, P0107, P0108, P2228, P2229, P1183, : P1184, P1187, P1188, P1189, P1190
Possible fault causes
- Loose contact or corrosion on connectors or lines
- Ground supply defective
- Intake manifold pressure sensor Faulty
Fault effects
- Substitute value from model
Diagnosis information - Control unit DME (DFI)
Ambient temperature via CAN
Diagnostic conditions
- NO fault stored in Control unit DME (DFI)
- Driving > 80 km/h > 15 Minute(s)
- then Driving > 1 Minute(s) under the following conditions:
- Coolant temperature 47 ... 108 锟斤拷C (锟斤拷F)
- Engine speed 1200 ... 4000 1/min
- Vehicle speed 30 ... 180 km/h
Possible fault causes
- Ambient temperature incorrect (Sensor incorrectly trimmed / Faulty)
- Intake air temperature incorrect (Sensor incorrectly trimmed / Faulty)
- only Turbo:
- Charge air cooler Blocked, Faulty, changed ...
Fault setting condition(s)
The temperature model depends mainly on the measured intake air temperature.
- Deviation between Ambient temperature via CAN and Substitute value from model > 25 锟斤拷C (锟斤拷F)
Fault effects
- Substitute value from model
- Positive crankcase ventilation is continuously activated if a fault is present when recording the ambient temperature.
Diagnosis information - Control unit DME (DFI)
Ambient temperature via CAN
Diagnostic conditions
- Ignition on > 5 Second(s)
Possible fault causes
- Fault Outside temperature sensor (See Fault memory Air-conditioning system regulator)
Fault setting condition(s)
- Fault Outside temperature sensor (See Fault memory Air-conditioning system regulator)
Fault effects
- Substitute value from model
- Positive crankcase ventilation is continuously activated if a fault is present when recording the ambient temperature.
Diagnosis information - Control unit DME (DFI)
Ambient temperature via CAN