
2010 Porsche Panamera Turbo (970) V8-4.8L Turbo A L L Diagnostic Trouble Codes ( DTC ): P Code Charts Page 472

2010 Porsche Panamera Turbo (970) V8-4.8L Turbo A L L Diagnostic Trouble Codes ( DTC ): P Code Charts Page 472

Diagnosis information - PDK

SPI error

Diagnostic conditions

The control unit initially tests internal function sequences when the ignition is switched on (terminal 15). If they are OK, all diagnosable outputs are

then tested and any faults are stored.

- Ignition on

Possible fault causes

- PDK control unit faulty

Fault setting conditions

- Internal bus error

Fault effects

- All pressure regulators, solenoid valves and shift-lock switch off

- Start enable only in position P

- Emergency hold function

- Transmission limp-home indication in instrument cluster control unit

With P1715


Diagnosis information - PDK

SPI error

Diagnostic conditions

The control unit initially tests internal function sequences when the ignition is switched on (terminal 15). If they are OK, all diagnosable outputs are

then tested and any faults are stored.

- Ignition on

Possible fault causes

- PDK control unit faulty

Fault setting conditions

- Internal bus error

Fault effects

- All pressure regulators, solenoid valves and shift-lock switch off

- Start enable only in position P

- No emergency program diagnosis

- Emergency hold function

- Transmission limp-home indication in instrument cluster control unit

Interchange Detected


Diagnosis information - PDK

Interchange detected

Diagnostic conditions

The control unit initially tests internal function sequences when the ignition is switched on (terminal 15). If they are OK, all diagnosable outputs are

then tested and any faults are stored.

- Ignition on

Possible fault causes

- Control unit is installed in the wrong vehicle

Fault setting conditions

- VIN in the control unit does not match the VIN on the CAN

