
Engine Controls - ECM VIN Registration Procedure

2010 Nissan-Datsun Altima L4-2.5L (QR25DE) Technical Service Bulletin # 09-136 Date: 091201

Engine Controls - ECM VIN Registration Procedure

Classification: EC09-028

Reference: NTB09-136

Date: December 1, 2009


APPLIED VEHICLES: All Nissan 2005 and later


The Applied Vehicles must have the correct Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) registered in the Engine Control Module (ECM). The VIN

registration process must be performed under the following conditions.

^ When installing a new ECM

^ If, during vehicle service, the VIN registration inside the ECM is found to be missing or incorrect.

When needed, use the Service Procedure in this bulletin to perform ECM VIN registration.


Refer to the current Nissan Warranty Flat Rate Manual and use the appropriate claims coding for any repairs being performed.

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1. Connect C-III to the vehicle and perform the initial selections:


If C-III is already connected, go to Step 2.

a. Start C-III and Wait for the "Detecting VI/MI in progress" message to clear.

b. Select the detected VI from the list.

c. Wait for the "Checking the firmware version" message to clear.

d. Select Model and Year.

e. Confirm the correct model and year were selected.

f. Select Repair.

2. Select Direct Diagnostic Mode icon

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3. Select System Diagnosis

4. Select Engine

5. Select OK

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6. Select Work Support

7. Select VIN Registration

8. Select Next

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9. Make sure the ignition is ON with engine OFF.

10. Select Start

11. Enter the VIN into C-III two times (see Figure 7).

^ Touch the C-III screen in the "VIN box" before typing.

^ Make sure to use all CAPITAL LETTERS.

^ Use the VIN from the vehicle you are working on.

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12. Select Start

13. Turn the ignition OFF, and wait 10 seconds.

14. After waiting 10 seconds, turn the ignition ON.

15. Select OK

VIN registration is complete

